Monday, July 9, 2012


I'm SOOO excited to post some pictures. I had the BEST time at my wedding and can't believe that some of my little friends were there to share that special day with us. I'm sooo happy I got to see Felix, Carlos, Brandon, Chris, Amre, Elizabeth, Rebecca, Madison, Savy, Jill, Maya and Cameron!

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Yay!! Miss Donofrio picked Mr. Danny up from the airport on Friday, June 15th at 10:00 PM. I had some tears of joy, so I look a little silly in this picture! 20 days until Miss Donofrio becomes Mrs. Keegan! :D

Friday, June 15, 2012


hmmm... I wonder who took this picture as he FINALLY got off the submarine... :D

I'll be back with an update soon!

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Happy Summer! Here's a photo of something I will have in my classroom next year because it has to do with the new theme. This year our theme was, 'Empowering the Future.' Do you think you can figure out the slogan for this new theme? :D

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Tug-O-War!! from Denise Donofrio on Vimeo.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

How awesome do these toilet paper brides and grooms look? :D
I had so much fun at my wedding shower today. Thanks for the wonderful advice and for all the recipes. I'll be sure to test them out on some of my friends BEFORE I make dinner for Mr. Danny. :D

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Study Jams: Plant Reproduction!

Check out these awesome videos that help to explain the process of plant reproduction. This may make you think twice next time you swat at a bee. :D