Saturday, August 27, 2011

A New Journey

I had such a blast this week getting to know all my new friends. Fourth Grade is new for me and I've been quite busy getting to know the curriculum and the 'flow' of each day. I have to say, considering I only got a few hours of sleep each night, I am VERY pleased with how this week turned out. I worked really hard to make sure I had all my ducks in a row.
I am soo in love with this age group. We had awesome conversations during Social Studies about Florida's geography. They showed a lot of interest in the different types of rocks we observed in Science. And of course, had lots of fun playing math games where they got to manipulate different numbers and show their understanding of place value. I am thrilled to learn new things this year and especially can't wait for all my friends to see their abilities and feel proud of what they can achieve, and most importantly, find the hero in themselves.

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. -William Arthur Ward

My ultimate goal... to be that great teacher

Miss Donofrio's 'Homeroom Heroes'

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Our Classroom :)

Welcome to our Math, Science & Social Studies classroom. As the year goes on, we're going to cover these walls and build this classroom together! I can't wait to discover rich vocabulary and showcase brilliant student work! :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Welcome to Fourth Grade!

Hope you have had a fabulous summer. It's that time again and I am thrilled to 'Empower the Future' with my fantastic fourth graders! This is going to be a marvelous school year. We will discuss some of the heroes behind math, science and social studies, have some awesome hands-on learning experiences and of course have a great time getting to know one another. Each of my fourth grade friends will also have the challenge of finding the hero within themselves. Think about what a hero means to you and who you look up to as a hero in your life... we'll chat about it on day one. :D

See you at orientation!

date: Friday, August 19
time: 11:00 AM
location: City of Crusaders--room 223