Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Relationships, Risks, Results

When I was a 4th grader, my parents had a hard time getting me inside after school and on the weekends. I was always running around outside, building forts in the woods, and playing every sport I could. Today, most little friends spend time in front of TVs, glued to computer games, or jamming on ipods.
To encourage our 4th grade friends to become more active, I decided a kickball tournament was a must! It's also a great way to build relationships with them, because they are seeing a side of me that they have never seen before. A few days ago I took each class outside to play a game of kickball. We discussed the rules of the game. We worked on sportsmanship, teamwork, discussed the importance of staying active, and of course, we just had FUN.
Today, we put our two classes together on the field and had the 'Constande vs. Donofrio Kickball Tournament!' We all knew it didn't matter who 'won,' we just wanted to get out there and try our best. Friends did a FABULOUS job. It was awesome to hear them cheering each other on, even for their friends on the other team. This is definitely not the last time we will do this. I saw a side of some friends that I have never seen before. Friends who felt unsure of themselves took a risk and felt great after they kicked that ball and ran to that base. The result? They're already asking when we can do this again... :)


  1. man that was a good game!DANIEL:)

  2. GO KICKBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Lets do that again


  4. The game was so fun


  5. That was a great game!

  6. It was the beat game i ever played:).

