Friday, March 16, 2012

Start Getting Ready!!!

Ok friends... FCAT spirit week is only a few weeks away. I figured since you have a lot of time on your hands, you can at least start getting your ideas together. We'll DEFINITELY talk about all of this when you all get back from break. But, I'll fill you in now so you can get pumped!

April 9-13
Monday: Career Day (dress like a teacher, doctor, police officer, and so on)
Tuesday: Sports Day
Wednesday: Fashion Disater Day (wacky hair, crazy socks, backwards clothes...bring it ON!)
Thursday: Multiplicity Day (everyone in our class has to wear the SAME thing. We can do the same colors, or type of clothing, like jeans and Chets t-shirt)
Friday: Rock Star/Pop Star Day

and this is the best..... at the FCAT pep rally, we need to find ONE friend from each homeroom to represent us with the following 'minute to win it' challenge... check out the link below and start practicing! :D

Sticky Situation Challenge


  1. I the vido wouldn't play for me


    1. see if it works now... it works on my computer. If not, I'll show you all at school :)

  2. Can't wait to do it

