Friday, September 30, 2011
Check out these Projects!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Understanding Arrays
factor x factor = multiple (product). The first couple of times we explored with arrays, we had the dimensions facing up (like in the picture below). Given those factors, friends had to figure out the product. They used different strategies in order to help them solve the problem. We noticed many things. One thing in particular was that square numbers can easily be defined as a number that has a square array. In order to have a square array, the dimenions (factors) have to be the same number. The 6 x 6 and 7 x 7 arrays show the square numbers 36 and 49.

The Rock Cycle!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Lunch Duty

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
How to Leave a Comment :)
When it says to select your profile, choose anonymous. Click preview to see what your comment will look like. Then, just click on post comment. It may not show up right away because I have to approve them. Hope this works :)
Sunday, September 11, 2011
In Class: Rock Cycle Assignment week of 9/12
Once you pull up the diagram from the link above, click on the images to view the animations which explain each part of the Rock Cycle.

Friday, September 9, 2011
Social Studies Project
Element | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Map is 3-dimensional and accurately represents the land elevations in Florida | | | |
Map correctly represents Florida as a peninsula | | | |
Map shows the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico in the correct location | | | |
The neighboring states of Georgia and Alabama are correctly identified and labeled | | | |
Tallahassee and Jacksonville are correctly identified and labeled | | | |
The St. Johns River is clearly identified from the source to the mouth and is labeled | | | |
Lake Okeechobee is correctly identified and labeled | | | |
The Florida Everglades are correctly identified and labeled. | | | |
The lines of latitude and longitude on each side of Tallahassee & Jacksonville are drawn in and labeled. | | | |
The map includes a compass rose and a key | | | |
Project demonstrates creative effort | | | |
Total Points | | | |
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Explore Learning: Gizmos!
Over the past two weeks we've learned lots of cool things like:
a) All rocks are made of minerals
b) Over 3,000 minerals have been identified
c) Minerals can be identified by testing their physical properties (color, luster, streak and hardness)
d) A Diamond (Miss Donofrio's favorite) is the hardest mineral :)
We observed and collected our own data with about 7 types of minerals in class. Friends really enjoyed the hands-on experience. Because we didn't have a huge variety of minerals, we brought in some AWESOME technology to help us out. is a website that offers something called 'Gizmos.' Gizmos are online simulations that power inquiry and understanding of Science and Math. The screen shot below shows just a glimpse of our 'Mineral Identification' Gizmo. With this Gizmo, my friends were able to explore 26 different minerals and test all the physical properties with just a few clicks of a mouse! I was impressed with how REAL this virtual experience felt. We collected a ton of data and reached the conclusion that the only way to really identify a mineral is to test all the physical properties. What's really great about this website, is that each friend in my class has a username and password and can access the Gizmos in and out of school.