Friday, September 9, 2011

Social Studies Project

For this take-home project, you will make a three dimensional map of Florida that correctly represents the land elevations, cities, waterways, and the lines of latitude and longitude on each side of Tallahassee and Jacksonville. Your project should show that Florida is a peninsula bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. It should also show that Georgia and Alabama are our neighboring states. You will need to identify our state capital, Tallahassee, and our city, Jacksonville, on your map. Your map will also need to show the St. Johns River, Lake Okeechobee, and the location of the Everglades.

The map may be made from clay, play-dough, or even cookie dough (baked!). It is up to your imagination! You may identify the cities with a toothpick prick and write the name in marker or you may write it in icing. You may choose to paint the lines of latitude and longitude with marker, paint, yarn, or whatever you can create. This project should be FUN and help you better understand the geography of our state. :)

This project is DUE SEPTEMBER 30TH!

Use the rubric below as a 'check-off' for your elements.





Map is 3-dimensional and accurately represents the land elevations in Florida

Map correctly represents Florida as a peninsula

Map shows the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico in the correct location

The neighboring states of Georgia and Alabama are correctly identified and labeled

Tallahassee and Jacksonville are correctly identified and labeled

The St. Johns River is clearly identified from the source to the mouth and is labeled

Lake Okeechobee is correctly identified and labeled

The Florida Everglades are correctly identified and labeled.

The lines of latitude and longitude on each side of Tallahassee & Jacksonville are drawn in and labeled.

The map includes a compass rose and a key

Project demonstrates creative effort

Total Points


  1. I LOVE the project we are doing LOVE kristian

  2. cant wait to do mine


  3. Well i am getting ready to do mine i like the picture (: Brittany
