Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How to Leave a Comment :)

We've been having some technical difficulties when it comes to the comments but I think I have figured it out! I tried this and it worked...

If you want to comment on a post, scroll down on the post and click where it has (#) comments. Leave your comment in the box and make sure you put your NAME

When it says to select your profile, choose anonymous. Click preview to see what your comment will look like. Then, just click on post comment. It may not show up right away because I have to approve them. Hope this works :)


  1. Thank you for posting that blog so I know how to write a comment.


  2. i know how to write a comment


  3. I love that picture of both classes and im glad we have a blog and science is so COOL!!!!

  4. I love the class picture of both classes:from aliyah.

  5. I loved the math game today. I can't wait to play it again!

  6. i can't wait till open house it is going to be so much fun, espesually that the parents have to go to stations figuring out the quetions you are going to give them.yay can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):):):):):):):):):):)thank you for workinging so hard for our class and staying late after school your a great teacher thanks luv you 4th grade student madison worley

  7. hey miss.donofrio i luved the open house tonight it was so fun aspesualy to see my dad not know some of that cool stuff but it was funny cause i tought him that was cool but atleast he learned. i need to tell you somthing tomorrow luv you 4th grade student madison worley

  8. hey ms.donofrio you are the best teacher ever
